motion texture DVD
「存在する映像」というコンセプトを軸に、さまざまな表現の実験を試みた「motion texture」プロジェクト。「motion texture DVD」では、偶然性を制作過程に大胆に取り入れ、モーショングラフィックスをドキュメンタリー映像として記録した。
The “motion texture” project has been experimented with various forms of expression based on the concept of “images that exist.” On the “motion texture DVD,” we incorporated coincidence into the production process, documenting the motion graphics as documentary footage.
Going from “images to be appreciated” to “images to be viewed”
We incorporate intentional coincidence into the production process and record the images as something that exists. With the help of algorithmic coincidence and chaos, we ended up with something that we never would have thought to be possible. It’s enchanting, like seeing the rustling of trees or tides of the waves. Now, Motion Graphics has stopped talking and is just standing quietly. We have video-recorded Motion Graphics as such.