WOW 25th Anniversary Exhibition「Unlearning the Visuals」Exhibition Catalog
2022年10月に開催された、WOW 25th Anniversary Exhibition 「Unlearning the Visuals」の公式カタログ。
The catalogue of WOW 25th Anniversary Exhibition “Unlearning the Visuals (2022)”
The theme is “Unlearning the Visuals.” By “unlearn” we mean unraveling the things that we have learned to date, through both thought processes and with our bare hands, to then reacquire them as a new and visceral part of our being. WOW, which has continually opened up new horizons in visual expression, will step up to the challenge of acquiring new forms of expressive power, all the while nourished by the skills and sensitivities we have believed in and nurtured until now. Photos taken at the venue, articles written by the curator Hiroyuki Takahashi, and all credits related to the production are included.

「Viewpoints」「Refraction」「回す」「祝彩風祭」「モーション・モダリティ/ 風の痕跡を持つ通路」
「『Unlearning the Visuals』を紐解く6つの思考」高橋裕之
“Viewpoints” “Refraction” “Rotation” “Festival Cornucopia” “Motion Modality / Passage with wind traces”
Special Contribution
“Six Ideas for Understanding “Unleaninr the Visuals” Hiroyuki Takahashi