「WOW AR」は、AR(拡張現実)とWOWが得意とするモーショングラフィックスを使った作品を楽しむことができるアプリ。あらゆる環境をアートインスタレーション化することを目標としています。本アプリでは、拡張現実空間に現れるモーショングラフィックスを、写真とビデオで撮影することが可能。自由な時間や場所で、「WOW AR」アプリをお楽しみください。
“WOW AR” is an application that allows users to enjoy works of art using augmented reality (AR) and WOW’s specialty, motion graphics. The goal is to turn any environment into an art installation. This app allows users to take photos and videos of motion graphics that appear in the augmented reality space. Enjoy the “WOW AR” app at any time and any place.
For the first release, three motion graphics were released.

Depicts everyday motifs with extraordinary animation and dynamics.
By viewing through AR on top of reality, reality and unreality intermingle, creating a scene with unclear boundaries.
A dancer that dances in the space between reality and an imaginary world line. Expresses people of nowadays who are digital natives and enjoy coming and going seamlessly between the real world and an imaginary world online.
3:Loop of Life
The phenakistoscope is considered to be the ancestor of animation.
Combining the oldest and most modern technology, the various activities of life that have been repeated throughout the ages are depicted.
*Only the iOS version (free) is available. The Android version is not yet available.
▶“WOW AR” website